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Proceedings right light 2nd european conference on energy-efficient lighting. ADELINE : an advanced computer tool to design and evaluate day- and electric lighting applications in buildings. European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting [2, 26-29 Set. 1993, Arnhem].



Within the project Task XII Building Energy Analysis and Design Tools for Solar Applications in The Solar Heating and Cooling Programme (SHC) of the International Energy Agency (IEA), design tools for energy efficient buildings have been developed resp. the capabilities of existing design tools have been enhanced are integrated. Aim of SHC task XII is to develop and hand out design tools to designers, architects and engineers for the integrated evaluation of daylighting and heating/cooling concepts in an early stage of the actual design process. Concerning the software for the lighting and daylighting evaluation, the following international validated programmes are used: -SUPERLITE (Radiosity), -RADIANCE (Raytracing), -SUPERLINK (linkage between daylighting and energy analysis). The thermal and energetic behaviour of buildings can be analysed with the simulation tools - SUNCODE - TRNSYS -tsbi. The input of the programmes is handled by a common CAD programme and special converters. The software package is produce in international collaboration and will be distributed in 1993.. ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF THE NEW DESIGN TOOL ADELINE. SOFTWARE ENHANCEMENT AND CONTACT PERSONS. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. REFERENCES.

Presenta ilus., diagrs., gráfs, y tbls.

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