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Proceedings right light 2nd european conference on energy-efficient lighting. Evaluation of the use, valuation and effectivity of a lighting computer-programme for energy advisers. European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting [2, 26-29 Set. 1993, Arnhem].



Novem developed in 1990 the computer programme 'Light-Economist'. The program aims to inform owners of lighting equipment about the energy - and financial effects of different types of lighting. Since 1990 about 1000 diskettes are distributed in the Netherlands. Last year, the program is evaluated. About 80 owners of the programme are interviewed by telephone. Seventeen of these owners of the programme had a second, deeper interview. This paper describes the results of the evaluation and discusses the use, valuation and effectivity of the programme. ABSTRACT. EVALUATION SET-UP. Objetive. Evaluation questions. Target group. Evaluation.method. RESULTS SCREENING CALLS UTILITIES. Realised number of calls. Use and distribution. Valuation. RESULTS SCREENING CALLS, ORGANIZATIONS OTHER THAN UTILITIES. Realised number of calls. Distribution and way of use. Valuation. CONCLUSIONS FROM SCREENING CALLS. RESULTS FOLLOW-UP INTERVIEWS. Realised interviews. Contents follow-up interviews. Findings follow-up interviews. CONCLUSIONS. REFERENCE.

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