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Proceedings right light 2nd european conference on energy-efficient lighting. Better and improved energy efficiency in office lighting. European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting [2, 26-29 Set. 1993, Arnhem].



The environment for planning lighting installations in office in administration areas has changed : in addition to functionality and economy in lighting, humanisation and individuality of the workstation have become further requirements. Instead open-plan offices, single or team offices are favoured more and more. The total flexibility of open-plan offices has been replaced by defined office sizes. Modern communications sytems in the office also make new demands on lighting. The communications-based office with VDT workstations is increasingly replacing the former office used for simple paper tasks. The desire to improve lighting conditions is taken for granted by nearly every-one. To realise this in combination with energy efficiency, however, requires new systems combining the highest photometric and electrotechnical standards, with state-of-the-art product design. Such lighting systems are replacing older istallations more and more, in order to improve on the one hand the acceptance, by human beings, of the workstations in an administrative environment, and on the other to reduce energy costs. The common development of ergonomists and lighting technicians lead to a new lighting concept for the modern team office with its new functionality and working culture. It combines functionality concerning optimized visual conditions and flexibility with regard to changes in workstation arrangements with human requirements for individual influence. Due to its visual characteristics, the integrated electronic operating devices for the light sources and the multitude of system components, additionally to the visual and ergonomic improvements, a lower consumption of electric power is necessary than for existing common lighting systems. SUMMARY. THE SOCIAL CHANGES THAT HAVE TAKEN PLACE IN THE OFFICE RECENTLY SHOW THAT THE PLANNING AREA HAS CHANGED CONSIDERABLY. THE DEMANDS FOR BETTER FUNCTION AND EFFICIENCY HAVE BEEN COMPLEMENTED BY THE DEMANDS FOR MORE HUMANISED AND INDIVIDUAL WORKSTATIONS. THE IMPORTANCE OF EARLIER OPEN-PLAN OFFICES (OFFICE LANDSCAPES) HAS BEEN REPLACED BY A CLEAR DEFINITION OF SIZES FOR PURPOSE-ORIENTATED OFFICES. NEW COMPUTERISATION AND COMMUNICATION MEDIA MAKE NEW ARRANGEMENTS NECESSARY IN THE OFFICE, THEY ALSO PLACE NEW DEMANDS ON LIGHTING. LIGHTING SYSTEMS IN AN OFFICE. THE REDUCTION IN ENERGY COSTS MUST PLAY A LARGE ROLE IN THE JUDGING OF A LIGHTIN SYSTEM.

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