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Proceedings right light 2nd european conference on energy-efficient lighting. Energy saving hid luminaire with special reflector for low bay use. European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting [2, 26-29 Set. 1993, Arnhem].



This report describes a special reflector producing a controllable direction spread light beam which replaces the original reflector-diffuse reflector or aluminium reflector with wave shape surface. The light output of this reflector is higher. It could be installed with a prism bowl reducing the luminances at hight angles. Therefore the new type of luminaire limits the discomfort glare down to a low level and could be used for low bay industry shoplighting. ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. AN IMPROVED METHOD FOR WAVE SHAPE REFLECTOR. AN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF SAVING ENERGY FOR NEW HID LUMINAIRE. CONCLUSION.

Presenta diagrs., y tbls.

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