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Proceedings right light 2nd european conference on energy-efficient lighting. Visual discomfort : evaluation after introducing modulated light equipment. European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting [2, 26-29 Set. 1993, Arnhem].



A new discomfort J index was applied to check for acceptable eye discomfort, when introducing into an office a more economical equipment, aimed to modulate the amount of fluorescent lighting, as a function of natural ilumination. The energy saving was measured for different combinations of light sources. Measurements of luminances and lighting levels were performed at the workplace at various moments: sunny day, overcast sky, with or without artificial lighting and in all possible directions of the eye (scanning method). With the J discomfort index, it was shown, that the new regulated system was able to reduce energy expenditure without enhancing visual discomfort. SUMMARY. INTRODUCTION. Usefulness of a regulated system in the case of an energy saving policy. Enegy cost before an after the introduction of the equipment. VDT requirements for visual comfort. METHOD. Scanning photometry. Discomfort index J. RESULTS. Comparisons. The role of the J index in determining theresholds of regulation. CONCLUSION. REFERENCES.

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