Energy-conservation opportunities in the small industrial plant. Industrial Energy-Conservation.
BASIC ELEMENTS OF SUCCESSFUL ENERGY-CONSERVATION PROGRAMS. Organizing management resources. Surveying energy uses and losses. Implementing energy conserving actions. Launching an energy-conservation campaign. Matching the conservation program to your industry. RECORDKEEPING. TAKING AN ENERGY SURVEY. Energy-conservation checklist. Evaluation of energy-conservation opportunities. ELECTRICAL-ENERGY BILLING. How is electrical energy measured. What is the relationship between kWh and KW demand?. Why bill for maximum kW demand?. Calculating the bill for your plant. Reducing demand. Justifying a demand controller. LIGHTING. BOILERS. STEAM TRAPS. The function of a steam trap. Surveying steam traps. INSULATION. HEATING, VENTILATION, AND AIR CONDITIONING. COMPRESSED AIR.
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Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA
Grettel Ruiz Matarrita
Calle 25, Avenidas 8 y 10. San José, Costa Rica
(506)25476900 - 25476239
De lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 12m.