Measuring and improving the efficiency of boilers.
INTRODUCCION. Background. Scope of text. Contents of text. Use of text. THE ENERGY SITUATION. Introduction. The energy consumption. The end use of energy. Energy resources. Summary of energy situation. DESCRIPTION OF BOILERS. Introduction. Fire-tube boilers. Water-tube boilers. Electric boilers. EFFECT OF IMPORTANT PARAMETERS ON BOILER PERFOMANCE. Introduction. Economic considerations. Effect of air/fuel ratio on efficiency. Effect of feedwater temperature on efficiency. Effect of fuel composition on efficiency. Effect of fouled heat transfer. Surface on efficiency. PERFORMANCE OF BOILERS. Introduction. Testing procedure for the direct method. Efficiency of boiler. Summary of measurements. Accuracy of instrumentation. Instrumentation recommendations. Testing procedure for the indirect method. Combustion efficiency of a boiler. Error analysis of the indirect method. Instrumentation for combustion efficiency testing. ECONOMICS ASSOCIATED WITH ENERGY CONSERVATION. Objetive and scope. Basic definitions. Types of economic measures. First order measures of economic performance. Second order measures of economic performance. Example calculation. Conclusions. COMBUSTION CONTROL SYSTEMS. Introduction. Description of boiler control system. Selection of control system. Summary. References. BOILER FEEDWATER TREATMENT. Introduction. Impurities in water. Measurement of water quality. Problems caused by poor water quality. Water treatment in the boiler plant. Equipment used for water quality treatment. Terminology and conversion factors associated with water analysis... Ver documento.
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