Analyzing the costs and benefits of natural disaster responses in the context of development. Environment Working Paper.
SETTING TEH QUESTION. Introduction. The Question of this Paper. DEFINITIONS AND THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DISASTERS AND DEVELOPMENT. Definition of Disasters. The Importance of the Question: The Relationship between Disasters and Dvelopment. CONSIDERATION OF THE COST EFFECTIVENESS OF DISASTER RESPONSE OPTIONS: THE CONTEXT OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. Definitions of Prevention and Recovery. Benefit-Cost Analysis in the Disaster Context. Tacit Models in the Developed World. A Consideration of costs of Disasters; A Comparison between Developed and Developing Countries. BENEFI-COST ANALYSIS OF DISASTER PREVENTION AND RECOVERY. Disaster Prevention: Benefits and Costs. Disaster Recovery: Benefits and Costs. Cost Effectiveness for Different Disaster Types. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS. BIBLIOGRAPHY.
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