Use and abuse of energy models.
USE AND ABUSE OF ENERGY MODELS. COMMENT EVITER L'ABUS DE MODELISATION?. Les abus de Modeles. Pour un bon usage des modeles. What Energy Modeling Systems for Less developed Countries?. FOR A CONTROLLED USE OF SECTORIAL OPTIMISATION MODELS. The Limits of sectorial Optimization Models. Use of the Model for the Study of System Behaviour and Controlability.
ISPRA Seminar on National Energy Planning and Management in the Developing Countries
Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA
Grettel Ruiz Matarrita
Calle 25, Avenidas 8 y 10. San José, Costa Rica
(506)25476900 - 25476239
De lunes a viernes de 8 a.m. a 12m.