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Proceedings right light 2nd european conference on energy-efficient lighting. Organisational management and its relationship with energy-efficient lighting. European Conference on Energy Efficient Lighting [2, 26-29 Set. 1993, Arnhem].



Energy efficiency activity in an organisation is often treated as a technical activity isolated from management processes. This technical marginalisation limits knowledge of the benefits, makes motivation and marketing more difficult, and leads to limited funding. Following a survey of 10. SUMMARY. of the energy management units in Great Britain, an 'Energy Management Matrix' was developed. Its initial use enables determination of how energy efficiency is viewed at various organisational levels. It can then be used to target improvement, and to review progress. Feedback from use in over three hundred organizations shows that significant potential exists to improve the benefits from energy efficiency activity through effective commitment at an organisational level. INTRODUCTION. Justification for action. Key findings. Who can benefit?. ESTABLISHING YOUR ORGANISATIONAL PROFILE. Steps. FEEDBACK FROM USE. CONCLUSION. REFERENCES.

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