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Proceedings right light 2nd european conference on energy-efficient lighting. Maintenance schedule optimization and its impact on energy and economic demands. European Conference on Energy Efficient Lighting [2, 26-29 Set. 1993, Arnhem].



In this paper the problem of optimizing the maintenance programme for existing indoor lighting installations is dealt with and a novel procedure is described. An approched unifying the design processes of a new lighting system and of its maintenance schedule is presented too. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULO OPTIMAZATION AND ITS IMPACT ON ENERGY AND ECONOMIC DEMANDS. DRAWBACKS OF THE CURRENT DESIGN PROCEDURES. Desing of the optimum maintenance schedule. Cost/benefit ratio. Design of a lighting system. A NOVEL APPROACH FOR DESIGNING OPTIMUM MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES. The problem. The approach. A NEW PROCEDURE FOR DESIGNING A LIGHTING SYSTEM. Cost/benefit ratio. The procedure. CONSTANT ILLUMINANCE SYSTEMS. CONCLUSIONS. REFERENCES.

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