Proceedings right light 2nd european conference on energy-efficient lighting. THERMIE programme and its associated measures. European Conference on Energy Efficient Lighting [2, 26-29 Set. 1993, Arnhem].
This paper gives information about one of the most important iniciatives of the CEC in the field of energy, the THERMIE programme, with particular. The programme launched in 1990, will run until end 1994. The objetives of THERMIE are: a) to improve energy efficiency; b) to encourage greater use of new and renewable energy sources; c) to reduce environmental pollution; d) to promote and disseminate innovative energy technologies. In order to achieve these objectives two main instruments have been set up: PROJECT SUPPORT. The purpose of the funding is to bring into the market place innovative energy technologies which have gone through the Research and Development phase. Their application on a commercial basis still entails an element of risk, and without the Community's support they would unlikely to go ahead. ASSOCIATED MEASURES. Up 1990 the European Community funded with 1500 MECU the application of innovative technologies in the Enery field. The result of this support was the development of new technologies;however it was clear that the demonstration of new technologies could not penetrate the market by themselves alone. This is one of the reasons why in 1990 the EC introduced in the frame of the THERMIE programme the Associated Measures for the promotion of the innovative energy technologies. The Associated Measures comprise de following activities: -Evaluation of market potential -Monitoring of projects -Dissemination of information - Recourse of the regional and local institutions -Cooperation with Third Countries. THE THERMIE PROGRAMME AND ITS ASSOCIATED MEASURES. SUMMARY. INTRODUCTION. COMMUNITY ENERGY POLICY. COMMUNITY INITIATIVES IN THE FIELD OF ENERGY. THE THERMIE PROGRAMME. THERMIE AND THE PROMOTION OF ENERGY EFFICIENT LIGHTING. CONCLUSIONS.
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