Household energy : problems, policies and prospects. Energy, Environment and Development Series.
91 88116 69 7
INTRODUCTION. WHAT IS HOUSEHOLD ENERGY?. WHAT ARE THE PROBLEMS AND WHOM DO THEY EFFECT?. Biofuel Supply Problems. Commercial Fuel Supply Problems and the Financial Burdens of Household Fuel Use. Inadequate End-Use systems. Global Environmental Problems. PAST POLICIES AND PROGRAMMES. Electricity Subsidies. Petroleum Product Subsidies. Rural Electrification. Biofuel Cooking Stove Improvement. Biofuel Supply Enhancement. New and Renewable Energy Programmes. FUTURE DIRECTIONS. Stand-Alone Energy Activities. Household Electricity Programmes. Multisectoral Activities Addressing Household Energy Concerns. CONCLUSION.
Presenta tbls. Publicado con la colaboración de Swedish International Development Authority
Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA
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