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Energy for rural development. United Nations Group of Experts on the Role of New and Renewable Sources of Energy in Integrated Rural Development [22-26 Ene. 1990, Estocolmo].




INTRODUCTION. KEY ISSUES. The rolo fo renewable enrgy technologies in rural development. The political context of rual nergy programmes. Energy technology options for rural and agricultural deveolpment: The mahor issues. Making renewable energy programmes more relevant. Assessment of rural energy supply and demand. Agricultural residues as energy sources. SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA. Renewable enrgy research development in West and Central Africa. Promoting alternative energy in Botswana: The case for subsidies. Sudan's National Energy Research Council and renewable enrgy technologies. NORTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST. Renewable enrgy development in North Africa. The potential for biogas development in Yemen. ASIA. The role of renewable energy in rural development in China: Achievement Prospects. Bio-energy in India: Present situation and future plans. Integrated rural energy programme in sri Lanka: Approach and institutions. LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN. The potential of renewable energy in the Caribbean. Renewable energy for rural development in Mexico. THE SOVIET UNION AND EASTERN EUROPE. Applications of new and renewable sources of enery in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. CONCLUSION.

Presenta tbls. y maps.

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