Proceedings of right light bright light 1st european conference on energy-efficiencyefficient lightning. Lessons learned about incentive methods tested for residential lightning efficiency programs in Sweden. European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting [1, 29-30 May. 1991, Stockholm].
ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION. INCENTIVE METHODS AND MATERIALS. Method 1: Low Cash Rebate. Method 2: High Cash Rebate. Method 3: Shared Cash Rebate. Method 4: Rebate-on-bill. Method 5: Pay-on-bill. Information and Promotional Materials. PROGRAM RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Program Penetration. Problems. Participant Reactions. Retailers' Reactions. Utility reactions. WHAT NEA INTENDS TO DO WITH THE RESULT. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. REFERENCES.
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Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA
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