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Alcohol production from biomass in the developing countries.



INTRODUCTION. CHARACTERISTICS OF ETHANOL. Physical/Chemical Properties. Energy Content of Ethanol. CURRENT AND POTENTIAL USES. Ethanol use as Boiler Fuel. Ethanol use as Gasoline Substitute. Ethanol use as Diesel Substitute. Ethanol use in Chemical Consumption. PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION OF ETHANOL. World Ethanol Production. Historic Ethanol Consumption. Ethanol Prices. BIOMASS RAW MATERIALS FOR ETHANOL PRODUCTION. Sugars. Starches. Celluloses. ETHANOL PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY. Current Technology. Technology Development. Environmental Impact. Surplus Bagasse. Energy Balance for Ethanol Production. CAPITAL COSTS OF ALCOHOL PLANTS. Sugarcane Based Plants. Molasses Based Plants. Cassava/Corn Based Plants. Economies of Scale. ECONOMICS OF ETHANOL PRODCTION AND USE. General Approach. Economics of Ethanol as Gasoline Blend. Economics of Ethanol for Chemical Applications. Employment Impact. PROSPECTS FOR ALCOHOL PRODUCTION IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES. Agricultural/Energy self-sufficiency. Economic Parameters. POLICY ISSUES RELATED TO ALCOHOL PRODUCTION IN THE DEVELOPING. Competition between Food and Energy Crops. Need for Integrated Alcohol Systems. Need for National Alcohol Program Policies. ROLE OF THE WORLD BANK.

Presenta diagrs., gráfs. y tbls.

Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA

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