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México : improved charcoal production within forest management for the state of Veracruz. Report.



EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. INTRODUCTION. Background. Study Development. Objetives. Study Area. FOREST RESOURCE BASE. Overview. Resource Assessment at the State Level. Oak-Bearing Forest Types. Forest Exploitation and Management Options. Resource Surface Area and Standing Volume. Forest Screening. Screening Effect. Potential Resource Base Under Selected Options. Resource Assessment at Community Level. Environmental and Alternative use Screening. Application of Forest Management Exploitation Options. Summary of the Potencial Production Capabilities for Selected Communities. FOREST MANAGEMENT. Overview. Technical Forest Management. Options for Enhanced Forest Management. Recommended Forest Management Option. Institutional Considerations. COMMNITY ORGANIZATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS. Overview. CHARCOAL MARKETS. Overview. Domestic Markets and Potential. FINANCIAL-ECONOMIC EVALUATION. Charcoal Export Analysis. Observations. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. Summary. Prospective Follow-up.

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