Improved charcoal production techniques. Activity Completion Report.
INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY. Introduction. What is the nature of the fuelwood crisis?. What has Charcoal Making to do with the Fuelwood Crisis?. What can be done to alleviate the Fuelwood Crisis?. How can Charcoal Production be Improved?. Results of the Mission Kiln Testing and Analysis. Potential Impact of Improved Charcoal Production Techniques. Propose Plan of Action. Economic Benefits. Results of the Mission's Work. THE EXISTING CHARCOAL SITUATION. Introduction. Energy Resources. Woodfuel Demand. Source of Production. Transportation costs. Marketing. Costs and Prices. Economic Cost and Price of Wood and Charcoal. CHARCOAL PRODUCTION. Charcoaling Techniques. Overview of Kiln Technical Performance. Financial and Economic Benefits of Introducing. Experience with Training Charcoalers in the Casamance Technique in Rwanda. Charcoal-Making and Forest Management. Wood Princing. OUTLINE OF ACTION PLAN. Scope of Work. Project Organization and Execution. Potenical Charcoal-Making Areas. Two Scenarios for Introduction and Diffusion of the Casamance Kiln. Institutional Arrangements. Budget. Financial and Economic Benefits.
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Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA
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