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Growing power : bioenergy for development and industry. Study.




INTRODUCTION. BIOMASS FOR ENERGY: CRISIS AND OPPORTUNITY. The Environmental Challenge. The Human consequences. The Techonological OpportunityT The Institucional Dilemma. THE OVERVIEW OF BIOENERGY PRODUCTION AND CONVESION TECHNOLIGIES. Increasing Supply. Increasing Conversion Efficiency. INTEGRATING THE PERSPECTIVES GUIDING BIOENERGY RESEARCH AND PLANNING. Perspectives on Bionenergy. Integranting Perspectives. finding Management Skills. THE ORGANIZATIONAL CHALLENGE: LEARNING FROM THE PAST. Past Problems. Why Have These Lessons Been so Difficult to Learn?. Techniques for Building Integration. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. Development-Centered Activities: Focussing on the Users. Planners in Developing countries. Donors and Lenders. Industrialized Countries.

Presenta ilus., tbls.

Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Secretaría de Planificación del Sub-Sector Energía - Centro de Información de Energía y Ambiente, CIENA

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