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Energy Policies and Multitopic Household Surveys: Guidelines for Questionnaire Design in Living Standards Measurement Studies



This report begins by examining the characteristics and relative merits of living standards measurement studies (LSMS) and specialized household energy surveys. It then reviews the types of questions currently used in LSMS surveys, identifying important data gaps. Next, the issue of causality as it relates to energy services and development is examined. The report then turns to examples of the types of energy analysis that benefit from enhanced LSMS survey data. Prototype energy modules (accompanied by notes on each question contained in them) are presented. It is proposed that the few ad-hoc questions on energy use currently found in LSMS surveys-which yield little information useful to policymakers-be replaced by the questions presented in the prototype modules. [go.worldbank.org]

World Bank Working Paper

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

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