CDM Sustainable Development Impacts
This guideline presents an operational approach to sustainable development in the context of CDM projects. CDM Sustainable Development Impacts provides a general introduction to policy makers and experts on how CDM projects can be developed and designed to promote sustainable development as required in Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol. The guideline presents an operational approach to sustainable development in the context of CDM projects. It includes the following aspects: an overview of major steps of a sustainable development assessment of CDM projects, selection and definition of sustainable development criteria and indicators, linkages to national and international development activities, decision making tools, and case study analysis illustrating the potential for exploiting synergies between development and climate change objectives. The guidebook is produced to support the UNEP project Capacity Development for the Clean Development Mechanism implemented by UNEP Risø Centre on Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development. The overall objective of the project is to develop the institutional capability and human capacity for implementation of the CDM in developing countries. [Contracarátula]
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