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Employment from renewable energy in Germany: expansion and operation - now and in the future, third report on gross employment


Germany's energy reforms including the expansion of renewable energies has resulted in a renewables sector that is competitive on the world markets. In 2013, total employment in the sector amounted to about 371,400 persons owing to the expansion of renewables in the fields of electricity and heat generation and the production of biofuels. This corresponds to a slight decline of the employment level compared with the preceding year. The fall is primarily due to the photovoltaics sector, where the number of employed persons decreased from 100,300 in 2012 to approximately 56,000 in 2013. On the other hand, the number of people employed in the wind industry grew, with the wind sector now accounting for the largest share in total employment from renewable energy. This publication gives an overview of current developments in the sector and provides details of gross employment in 2013.

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

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