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Energy Services for the Millennium Development Goals



The Millennium Development Goals are the world’s shared targets for dramatically reducing extreme poverty in its many dimensions – income poverty, hunger, disease, exclusion, lack of infrastructure and shelter – while promoting gender equality, education, health, and environmental sustainability, all by 2015. These bold Goals can be met in all parts of the world if nations follow through on their commitments to work together to meet them. While the Goals do not include any concrete energy targets, they will not be met unless access to improved energy services is increased. The UN Millennium Project was commissioned by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan to develop a practical plan of action to meet the Millennium Development Goals. An independent advisory body directed by Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, the UN Millennium Project presented its findings and recommendations to the UN Secretary-General in January 2005, laid out in Investing in Development and in the 13 reports of the UN Millennium Project Task Forces. These reports underscore the importance of energy services for achieving the Goals. “Energy Services for the Millennium Development Goals” has been co-authored by ESMAP, UNDP, the UN Millennium Project, and the World Bank to outline practical strategies for providing the energy services needed to meet the Goals by 2015. The report draws on the findings of a working group on energy comprising experts from governments, academia, international organizations, and civil society, which was led by Prof. Vijay Modi of Columbia University. The report first describes the energy services and associated coverage targets that need to be met to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. It then outlines the operational challenges that the world’s poorest countries face in providing these services and lays out a set of practical recommendations for how these energy challenges can be met. In doing so, the report outlines how countries can increase access to energy services as part of their MDG based poverty reduction strategies. [Contracarátula]

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

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