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An Analytical Compendium of Institutional Frameworks for Energy Efficiency Implementation



Despite considerable attention devoted to EE policies and programs, there has been little formal assessment of the institutional aspects of EE implementation. The World Bank’s Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) initiated this study to examine the interplay of structure, role, and function of institutional frameworks supporting EE implementation. This report identifi es, analyzes, categorizes, and describes the main elements of institutional models and practices that have proved effective in promoting EE investments, particularly in the end-use (industry, buildings, residential) consuming sectors. The report also suggests guidelines for designing new implementing institutions that can mobilize EE investments in developing countries by enabling coordinated market activity by end users, utilities, equipment manufacturers, municipalities, building owners, fi nancial intermediaries, and specialized energy services providers (such as ESCOs). Twenty-nine (29) EE agencies spanning twenty-seven (27) developed and developing countries and varying in age from 2 to 30 years were analyzed in detail for this report. The analysis revealed seven distinct institutional models, ranging from government agency to privately owned entities This report is primarily descriptive, seeking to capture the main structural, organizational, and functional elements of institutional frameworks for implementing EE. It is beyond the purview of this report to identify all the key factors that label an institution as successful. However, the review does identify specific considerations that should be taken into account in developing an EE implementation framework. The review compiled a large amount of detailed information regarding institutional practices for EE implementation that are presented in the Description of EE Agencies contained in Annex 3. [Extractos, Executive Summary]

Formal Report

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

Alba Gamarra de Guardia

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Desarrollado por: Aikyu-Systems