Geothermal strategy for the Global Renewable Energy Atlas
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is working with the geothermal community (a network of institutes, experts and the private sector) to extend the services of the Global Atlas for Renewable Energy to cover geothermal energy. This geothermal component of the Global Atlas is envisaged as: a tool to aid political discussions on the subject; an entry point for investors conducting preliminary search on prospective geothermal markets; and a tool to support potentially massive future efforts by the geothermal community to compare and harmonise assessment protocols and reporting codes. IRENAs strategy report explains the current spatial-data infrastructure of the Global Renewable Energy Atlas, the strategy for expanding this to cover geothermal energy, possible partnership structures, and the work plan foreseen for achieving the goal of a Global Atlas that includes a focus on geothermal energy.
Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER
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