Bagasse Cogeneration: Global Review and Potential
Bagasse cogeneration describes the use of fibrous sugarcane waste bagasse to cogenerate heat and electricity at high efficiency in sugar mills. This report indicates that there is abundant opportunity for the wider use of bagasse-based cogeneration in sugarcane-producing countries and to contribute substantially to high efficiency energy production. Yet this potential remains largely unexploited. The potential to make a meaningful contribution to the energy balance is especially great in Cuba, Brazil, India, Thailand, Pakistan, Colombia, Mexico and The Philippines. Overall, the potential in these countries (which account for 70% of global cane production) reaches as high as 25% in Cuba and, as an average, a significant 7.45% of total demand. The potential, in absolute terms, is also high in China. [Extracto, Executive Summary]
Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER
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