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Bagasse Cogeneration: Global Review and Potential



Bagasse cogeneration describes the use of fibrous sugarcane waste – bagasse – to cogenerate heat and electricity at high efficiency in sugar mills. This report indicates that there is abundant opportunity for the wider use of bagasse-based cogeneration in sugarcane-producing countries and to contribute substantially to high efficiency energy production. Yet this potential remains largely unexploited. The potential to make a meaningful contribution to the energy balance is especially great in Cuba, Brazil, India, Thailand, Pakistan, Colombia, Mexico and The Philippines. Overall, the potential in these countries (which account for 70% of global cane production) reaches as high as 25% in Cuba and, as an average, a significant 7.45% of total demand. The potential, in absolute terms, is also high in China. [Extracto, Executive Summary]

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

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