Global Wind 2008 Report
This is the fourth annual report on the status of the global wind industry by the Global Wind Energy Council, and it provides a comprehensive snapshot of this global industry, now present in more than 70 countries. The data and country profiles for this report have been collected through GWECs member associations and companies around the world, as well as from other analysts and government contacts. The Global Wind 2008 Report includes a five year forecast for the development of the global wind energy market. In the past, these projections have regularly been outstripped by the actual performance of the sector and have had to be adjusted upwards. Despite the economic downturn, this year is no exception. The 2009 industry forecast predicts that the words wind energy capacity will nearly triple in the next five years, following a decade of spectacular growth. This development will be led by tremendous growth in China, and steady expansion in Europe and North America. GWEC predicts that in 2013, five years from now, global wind generating capacity will stand at 332 GW, up from 120 GW at the end of 2008. During 2013, 56.3 GW of wind generating capacity will be added, more than double the annual market in 2008. The year-on-year growth rates during this period will average 22%, which is modest compared to an average increase of 28% over the last ten years. [Extracto, Foreword;]
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