Energy [R]evolution: A sustainable global energy outlook
The European Renewable Energy Council (EREC) and Greenpeace International have produced this global energy scenario as a practical blueprint for how to urgently meet CO2 reduction targets and secure an affordable energy supply on the basis of steady worldwide economic development. Both of these goals are possible at the same time. The urgent need for change in the energy sector means that this scenario is based only on proven and sustainable technologies, such as renewable energy sources and efficient decentralised cogeneration. It therefore excludes so-called CO2-free coal power plants, which are not in fact CO2 free and would create another burden in trying to store the gas under the surface of the Earth with unknown consequences. For multiple safety and environmental reasons, nuclear energy is also excluded. Commissioned from the Department of Systems Analysis and Technology Assessment (Institute of Technical Thermodynamics) at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), the report develops a global sustainable energy pathway up to 2050. The future potential for renewable energy sources has been assessed with input from all sectors of the renewables industry around the world. The new Energy [R]evolution Scenario also takes a closer look for the first time at the transport sector, including future technologies and how to implement energy efficiency. The energy supply scenarios adopted in this report, which extend beyond and enhance projections made by the International Energy Agency, have been calculated using the MESAP/PlaNet simulation model. The demand side projection has been developed by the Ecofys consultancy to take into account the future potential for energy efficiency measures. This study envisages an ambitious development pathway for the exploitation of energy efficiency potential, focused on current best practice as well as technologies available in the future. The result is that under the Energy [R]evolution Scenario, worldwide final energy demand can be reduced by 38% in 2050 compared to the Reference Scenario. [Extracto, Introduction]
Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER
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Biblioteca física 10:00 a 14:00.