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Reaching the Millennium Development Goals and beyond: Access to modern forms of energy as a prerequisite



The objective in this paper is to be seen against this background, and it recognizes the main issue as being the road map to achieve a successful linkage between energy and the MDGs. The contribution of GNESD (Global Network on Energy for Sustainable Development) in the Energy Access Theme has provided important insight on how to move ahead. In this paper, the idea is to build on this and add a broader picture with the help of five case studies from GNESD members and five other case studies that have had a documented impact on the movement towards the MDGs in terms of what made these cases happen and what were the roles of governments, NGOs (non-governmental organizations), financiers, research organizations, local communities, the ODA (official development assistance), and so on. [Extracto, Introduction]

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

Alba Gamarra de Guardia

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