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Biofuels and Food Security: Implications of an accelerated biofuels production


There has been a lack of comprehensive assessments, including thorough analyses of the potential impacts of biofuels developments on international food prices, food insecurity, greenhouse gas savings as well as the risks of biodiversity loss. The objectives of the study are threefold: (i) to present a comprehensive review of the status of biofuels developments around the world and the policy regimes and support measures driving this evolution, (ii) to assess the agro-ecological potential of all major biofuels crops – first and second-generation and (iii) to comprehensively evaluate the social, environmental and economic impacts and implications of biofuels developments on transport fuel security, climate change mitigation, agricultural prices, food security, land use change and sustainable agricultural development. [Extracto, p. 11]

OFID Pamphlet Series

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

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