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Increasing Global Renewable Energy Market Share: Recent Trends and Perspectives



This report addresses issues and approaches for tackling the barriers and increasing market penetration of renewable energy. It has been prepared by a group of experts in the renewable energy field representing developing and developed countries across the globe. The report has been organized and convened under the guidance of UNDESA. This report outlines a number of priorities for the international community in accelerating the scale-up of renewable energy, particularly in the developing world. It also identifies the potential role that BIREC 2005 can play in moving these priorities forward. In summary, opportunities for renewable energies are limitless and countries around the world have committed to work together on increasing their global market share. BIREC 2005 provided a unique and timely forum to exchange experiences on renewable energy development, share views on policies and approaches, explore financing mechanisms, promote international cooperation, and determine how to measure success. BIREC 2005 provided a platform to build consensus and secure commitments on moving forward towards a cleaner energy future, from which all can benefit. This report served as a background report for BIREC 2005, provided input to the dialogue and discussion, and contributed to the primary outcome of the meeting – the Beijing Declaration. [Extracto: Executive Summary]

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

Alba Gamarra de Guardia

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