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The State of the Global Clean and Improved Cooking Sector


Nearly 3 billion people in the developing world continue to rely on solid fuel for their cooking needs with serious impacts on economic development, human health, and the environment. The WHO estimates that exposure to household air pollution due to the use of solid fuels for cooking results in 4.3 million premature deaths and 110 million DALYs (disability-adjusted life years) every year. For the last four years, an international effort led by the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves with participation from the World Bank and other international organizations has been underway, spurring interventions around the globe with the objective of getting 100 million households to adopt clean and improved cooking solutions by 2020. The goal of universal energy access by 2030 under the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) initiative has provided additional momentum to this effort. This report, developed by ESMAP in collaboration with the Alliance, builds a strong evidence-based case for accelerating clean cooking solutions in pursuit of sustainable development. It provides a comprehensive picture of the current state of the clean cooking sector. Building on the latest literature and using original research and analysis, the report maps sector demand and supply trends, and provides the first ever global baseline and market forecast for clean and improved cooking solutions. Additionally, the report suggests a number of steps that governments, donors, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector can take accelerate the adoptions of clean, efficient cooking stoves and fuels. The central message from the report is that the household cooking market has immense potential with households, that together already spend over US$100 billion annually on cooking fuel. While there remain formidable challenges to overcome, there is significant opportunity in the large and growing clean cooking market.

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

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Desarrollado por: Aikyu-Systems