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Biofuels for Our Future: A Primer



The use of biofuels in transportation has been the subject of a dizzying amount of confusion, misinformation, and disinformation. The intent of this guide is to lay the facts out clearly, dispel certain commonly held myths, and state the case for biofuels objectively. The guide is divided into two parts: the basic facts about biofuels – how they are made, how much they cost, etc. – and the benefits of large-scale biofuels production and use. This is meant to be a living document, not the last word on biofuels. Send us questions, corrections, and updates, and we will try to keep it fresh on our Web site at: www.EnergyFutureCoalition.org/Biofuels. [About This Guide]

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

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