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Wind Generator Technology



The main sections of this Application Note are dedicated to an analysis of the overall trends in wind turbine technology and the related market projections. A key influencing factor are the increasingly stringent grid code requirements imposed by the Transmission System Operators (TSO). Those requirements follow the rapidly growing penetration of renewables connected to the public grid and the related concerns of the TSOs regarding the management of this type of energy. This factor speaks in favour of the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (PMSG), whose power output is controllable and through which even the most stringent grid codes can be met. This is in contrast to the Doubly-Fed Asynchronous Generator (DFAG), which may need external reactive power compensation. Despite this fact, DFAGs continue to dominate the market and give up market share in favour of the PMSG only at a relatively slow speed. The growth of PMSG is mainly hampered by the fact that the price of permanent magnets remains high and its production volumes are therefore lower than those of the DFAG. [http://www.leonardo-energy.org]

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

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Desarrollado por: Aikyu-Systems