The Jatropha Handbook: From cultivation to application
Jatropha seeds can be converted into energy carriers such as oil or biodiesel, electricity and biogas. It can assist in rural production, transforming raw agricultural products to added value marketable products, energy generation for irrigation and conserving land from erosion. As such, Jatropha displays a wide potential of applications. In this handbook however, the focus is on the energy uses of Jatropha. Drivers for increased use of biofuels such as Jatropha, are local employment, energy security and climate change mitigation. The Jatropha plant increases above ground and underground biomass and hence fixes CO2 as carbon. At the same time the Jatropha nuts can be used for biofuel production, thereby reducing the need for fossil fuels. An additional positive effect is that Jatropha can be used in a local renewable energy system that allows local small holders to generate income on energy, rather than having no other option than to pay for fossil fuels. Although Jatropha cannot solve all problems related to energy in developing countries, it is likely to be one of the most promising biofuel crops, that would also contribute to sustainable agriculture and improved livelihoods. Jatropha emerged as a highly interesting biofuel some 15 years ago and expectations were high. Over the last years, many studies from Jatropha plantations give us a better idea on what the plant can yield under which conditions. This book aims to provide the reader with useful information to appraise Jatropha as a biofuel in the realm of biofuels. It covers all aspects (technical, organizational, financial) from Jatropha planting to conversion to electricity or biodiesel. [Extract, Foreword]
Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER
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