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Rating Wind Power Projects



While an active rated bond market for wind projects has only begun to develop in the last several years, the commercial application of wind power technology has become a more signi? cant share of global power supply in the last decade. This methodology outlines key factors for rating on-shore utility-scale wind project bonds and covers both green? eld and operating wind assets. (A utility-scale wind project has an installed capacity greater than 50 megawatts (MW).) In DBRS’s opinion, wind projects can potentially achieve low investment grade credit ratings, if properly structured, and are likely to be limited to the BBB range. This global wind project methodology is based on consultation with market participants, market research, as well as previous preliminary ratings assignments. This document should be considered within the general framework of the DBRS methodology Rating Project Finance (April 2011) and provides product- speci? c guidance for an emerging bond market asset class. [Overview, excerpt]

DBRS Methodologies

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

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