Crisis and reform in Latin America : from despair to hope
The launching of the reforms. The debt crisis and early adjustment: 1982- 87. The emergence of a new Latin American consensus. An era of adjustment anns reforms: 1987- 93. The opening of Latin America. Privatization and deregulation. Capital market deregulation, savings, and investment. Poverty, income distribution, and human resources. Looking toward the future.
Organización Latinoamericana de Energía (OLADE) - Centro de Documentación
Blanca Guanocunga
Av. Mariscal Antonio José del Sucre N58-63 y Fernández Salvador. Quito, Ecuador
(593 2) 25 98 122
Lunes a jueves de: 09h00 a 16h00
Viernes de: 09h00 a 13h00