Europa - América Latina y el Caribe: socios en el desarrollo energético
Bahia state : decentralized rural electification project. E7 co - operation with Latin América and Caribbean in the field of sustainable development. IDB programme in the field of sustanible development. The new energy markets : competition and market integration. Argentina . EDENOR company. Private power projects in Chile : the experience of IBERDROLA. México : MEXI - GAS company. Recent developments in Latin American and Caribbean energy markets.
Organización Latinoamericana de Energía (OLADE) - Centro de Documentación
Blanca Guanocunga
Av. Mariscal Antonio José del Sucre N58-63 y Fernández Salvador. Quito, Ecuador
(593 2) 25 98 122
Lunes a jueves de: 09h00 a 16h00
Viernes de: 09h00 a 13h00