Annual statistical report
Proven oil reserves in member countries. Natural gas reserves in member countries. Petroleum an gas in member countries. Crude oil production. Crude oil exports. Total production of petroleum products. Natural gas production. Crude oil production by company. Crude oil exports by destination. Specific table for each of the member countries, 1979 - 1980 : United Arab Emirates. Bahrain. El-Djazair. Saudi Arabia. Syria. Iraq. Qatar. Kuwait. Libyan. Egypt...
Años : 1978- 1995( )
Organización Latinoamericana de Energía (OLADE) - Centro de Documentación
Blanca Guanocunga
Av. Mariscal Antonio José del Sucre N58-63 y Fernández Salvador. Quito, Ecuador
(593 2) 25 98 122
Lunes a jueves de: 09h00 a 16h00
Viernes de: 09h00 a 13h00