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Demostración experimental de la evolución temporal en la erosión local en pilas de puentes circulares mediante el uso de paneles sumergidos.


Cevallos Rivera, W. Z. (2019). Demostración experimental de la evolución temporal en la erosión local en pilas de puentes circulares mediante el uso de paneles sumergidos. 230 hojas. Quito : EPN.
T-IC/0927/CD 9410

Hamad, Khaled, director

El presente estudio experimental se lleva a cabo en el Laboratorio Docente de Hidráulica de la Facultad de Ingeniería Civil, generando información orientada en la protección de pilas de puentes circulares mediante paneles sumergidos. Por lo tanto, se plantea una serie de ensayos variando el calado, diámetro de la pila circular y manteniendo el caudal constante, con el cual se da el inicio de movimiento de tal forma que se establece las condiciones de contorno. Se determina la máxima erosión local durante doce horas, posterior a esto aguas arriba de coloca un panel sumergido con un ángulo de ataque de 25 grados por un tiempo de veinticuatro horas y establecer la reducción del tamaño del foso de erosión.

In order to minimize and understand the physical phenomenon of local erosion in the circular piers bridges, an experimental research is conducted which allows us to obtain results quickly and economically, knowing that, to reduce local erosion in circular piers. It needs the use of submerged panels. In order to encourage the design of this type of structures as hydraulic; consequently, avoid the collapse of the same due to erosion problems. For this purpose, the experimentation was carried out in the Teaching Laboratory of the National Polytechnic School at Ecuador, two scenarios have been established; The first one is focused on demonstrating through time trials the local erosion in circular piers of bridges, second, scenarios to protect or diminish the impact generated by a high descent local erosion in the fluvial bed around the pier, due to the removal of the background material; which causes a localized action drain, a submerged vanes is placed upstream in the experimental channel. Therefore, a series of tests is proposed varying the water depth, diameter of the pier and the constant flow is maintained, with which the start of movement is given in such a way that clear water conditions are established to develop local erosion ; the number of vane is determined, with their respective dimensions which are depending on the width of the channel, water depth, angle of attack of whit flow direction, these measurements are made in the "x", "y", "z" directions, the same ones that allow us to obtain the depth of the erosion pit. The methodology used to obtain these experimental data was done through physical models of these hydraulic phenomena such as: Khaled, (2015), (Rinaudi, 2016), Bateman and Medina (2008) belonging to GITS (Sediment transport research group). Therefore, we have experimentally obtained the physical parameters of local erosion, demonstrating the effect of submerged vanes on circular piers bridge.

Escuela Politécnica Nacional - Biblioteca Central

Olga de Beltrán

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Desarrollado por: Aikyu-Systems