Global Wind 2006 Report
The Global Wind Report 2006 is the second annual report by GWEC on the status of global wind energy markets, and it clearly shows that wind energy today is a global business, with installations in over 70 countries. While Europe continues to lead the way, with 65 % of the global market, the United States was the leader in new installed capacity for the second year running, bringing about 2,500 MW capacity of new plant on line in 2006. The Asian market is also growing at a breathtaking rate, by 53 % in 2006. Chinas booming industry more than doubled its capacity; India, the worlds 4th largest market, continued its strong growth. The broadening of the global market is clearly illustrated by the list of markets which more than doubled their installed capacity in 2006: Iran, Brazil, Mexico, Taiwan and South Korea; while Poland, Morocco and Egypt nearly doubled. The data and country reports for 2006 have been collected through GWECs member associations around the world as well as other industry sources. The Council thanks the contributors and looks forward to further cooperation for future editions. The central message from the Global Wind 2006 Report is clear: wind power is becoming an established, mainstream power source in a rapidly growing number of countries, and that growth will, and must, continue as we seek to stave off the threat of global climate change and create true energy security while at the same time growing new industries, creating new jobs and a new paradigm for a truly sustainable 21st century energy economy. [Extracto, Foreword]
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