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A Blueprint for Green Energy in the Americas 2009: Strategic Analysis of Opportunities Prepared for The Inter-American Development Bank



A Blueprint for Green Energy in the Americas 2009” concludes that while enormous opportunities exist for Latin America and the Caribbean to develop its unique comparative advantages in the areas of biofuels, renewable energy and carbon finance, an alarming trend has developed suggesting that the region is falling behind much of the rest of the world in these areas that have the potential to contribute greatly to the region’s growth and its recovery from the current crisis. The nearly 900 page report was prepared in consultation with over 300 experts from around the world including top government officials, scientists, technologists, business leaders and investors. The successor to Garten Rothkopf’s 2007 “Blueprint for Green Energy in the Americas,” also prepared for the IDB, the report was commissioned to assist with planning efforts associated with the IDB’s Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Initiative (SECCI), cited by bank president Luis Alberto Moreno as one of the institution’s top priorities. The report includes an executive summary of findings and recommendations, a global overview of green energy trends, a series of essays on key cross-cutting themes, results of a series of high-level scenario exercises conducted in conjunction with the IDB and featuring the involvement of senior regional government officials, and in-depth region- wide assessments of progress and challenges associated with renewable power generation, biofuels and carbon finance. [www.gartenrothkopf.com]

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

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