The Outlook for Energy: a view to 2030
The Outlook for Energy is the result of a rigorous ongoing assessment process that includes a detailed analysis of approximately 100 countries, 15 demand sectors and 20 fuel types. It is underpinned by economic and population projections as well as our expectations for energy-efficiency gains from the deployment of advanced technologies and adoption of better energy-management practices. Building on many decades of experience, ExxonMobil conducts this analysis utilizing in-house expertise and modeling tools as well as input from a wide variety of third-party organizations, such as the International Energy Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy. The results of this comprehensive study provide a foundation for ExxonMobils business planning. ExxonMobil shares The Outlook for Energy publicly to help build understanding of the worlds energy needs and challenges. This years report focuses on energy demand to the year 2030. It examines key drivers of rising demand and the way this demand will be met by the various available energy sources, including fossil fuels, nuclear power and renewable energies, and it provides insight into the challenge of meeting growing energy needs while mitigating global CO2 emissions. [Extracto, p. 3]
Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER
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Biblioteca física 10:00 a 14:00.