Study of the potential to spread energy efficiencys carbon programs in Andean countries.
This report provides an analysis of the potential to spread energy efficiencys carbon programs in Latin America, focusing on 5 Andean countries (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Chile) and two main issues: access to electricity and lighting for poor people. The study was led by Microsol and funded by the Rexel Foundation, from June 2013 to May 2014. Methods of investigation include: (i) and (ii) an analysis of projects potential (needs of the population, available technologies, projects success criteria), (iii) a carbon analysis (eligibility criteria, assessment of the economic interest for projects to enter the carbon market) and (iv) a feasibility assessment related to the carbon market for electricity and lighting projects, (v) with recommendations on the different options. The results of this study are based on interviews of key actors in the five countries considered (175 people interviewed from 97 institutions), field visits of ten renewable energy projects and literature review. The recommendations are made on basis of Microsols experience and anticipations.
Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER
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