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Risks and Chances of Combined Forestry and Biomass Projects under the Clean Development Mechanism



The present study aims to assess the realistic potential and the major constraints of combining carbon sink and bioenergy use projects in the CDM. The report starts with an overview of the current state of biomass use in developing countries. These days, energy from biomass is considered a new and mod-ern option in the industrialized world. In developing countries bio-fuels is still largely viewed as a traditional practice. CDM could help changing this, and the report shows the technological options. The study calls for a close integration of the Afforestation/Reforestation and Biomass use methodol-ogy work, also with the possibility to bundle these two kinds of project activities. The report mentions the different standard works, including the new Climate, Community and Biodi-versity (CCB) Project Design Standard to evaluate a matrix of four examples of combined Forestry & Bioenergy projects: Small-scale/large-scale Forestry combined with Small-scale/large scale Bio-energy. [Extracto, Preface]

CD4CDM Working Paper

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

Alba Gamarra de Guardia

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Desarrollado por: Aikyu-Systems