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A Guide to Monitoring and Evaluation for Energy Projects


Many energy projects are faced with the challenge of developing reliable, cost effective and credible means for measuring their effectiveness. This Guide proposes a step by step approach to building project-specific monitoring and evaluation procedures. The guide is intended for projects for which the M&E method has not already been determined by a project donor or stakeholder. The guide was developed by the M&EED Group, as a contribution to the progress of energy access projects. As with all development projects, energy projects aim to contribute to improving the economic, social and environmental conditions of life in developing countries. Project teams are generally faced with the need (and obligation) to demonstrate that the project does indeed make these contributions, and to do this, a plan for measuring the success, or Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is required. M&E is intended to measure the progress and success of the project according to agreed indicators. They may be quantitative or qualitative values which describe reality and indicate degree of change. Ideally, these indicators will be measured at the beginning of the project during the project, at the end of the project, and perhaps several years later. Documenting conditions at the beginning of the project is important because it provides a picture of the status quo or a baseline from which to measure progress.

Centro de Información en Energías Renovables - CINER

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Desarrollado por: Aikyu-Systems