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IBA efficiency on mini-cutting rooting from teak (Tectona grandis Linn F.) clones


Badilla, Y., Xavier, A., Murillo, O., & Nogueira, H. (2016). IBA efficiency on mini-cutting rooting from teak (Tectona grandis Linn F.) clones. Revista Arvore, 40(3), 477-485.

Artículo científico

This study aimed to evaluate IBA efficiency in mini-cuttings rooting based on four Tectona grandis clones. Vegetative samples were collected in a hydroponic mini-clonal hedge in Verde Novo reforestation company at Colider, Mato Grosso. A factorial arrangement (4 x 6) was utilized, based on Carapá, Ipê, GU5 and TB7 clones vs six IBA dosages (0, 1000, 2000, 4000, 8000 and 16000 mg L-1), in a randomized block design based on three repetitions and 16 mini-cuttings per experimental unit. Cutting evaluations were based on survival and rooting rates after greenhouse conditions, after shadow-house, and at sun exposure, besides, total height, collar diameter, aerial and root biomass were also analyzed. Results registered a 95,4% average survivance rate as well as a 91,8% rooting rate, considered as very high for this tree species. IBA dosages utilization did not produce a significative effect on rooting mini-cuttings from these investigated clones. However, there were different responses among clones, which suggests a genotypic effect.

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Desarrollado por: Aikyu-Systems