Generalized brillinger-like transforms
Soto-Quiros, P., & Torokhti, A. (2016). Generalized brillinger-like transforms. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 23(6), 843-847.
Artículo científico
We propose novel transforms of stochastic vectors,
called the generalized Brillinger transforms (GBT1 and GBT2),
which are generalizations of the Brillinger transform (BT). The
GBT1 extends the BT to the cases when the covariance matrix
and the weighting matrix are singular, and moreover, the weighting
matrix is not necessarily symmetric. We show that the GBT1
may computationally be preferable over another related optimal
technique, the generic Karhunen–Loève transform (GKLT). The
GBT2 generalizes the GBT1 to provide, under the condition we
impose, better associated accuracy than that of the GBT1. It is
achieved because of the increase in a number of parameters to
optimize compared to that in the GBT1.
Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica
Lidia Gómez
Cartago - 300m Este del Estadio Fello Meza. Apartado 159-7050.
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