Automated plant species identification: Challenges and Opportunities
Mata-Montero, E., &Carranza-Rojas, J. (2016). Automated plant species identification: Challenges and Opportunities. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 481, 26–36.
The number of species of macro organisms on the planet is
estimated at about 10 million. This staggering diversity and the need
to better understand it led inevitably to the development of classification
schemes called biological taxonomies. Unfortunately, in addition to
this enormous diversity, the traditional identification and classification
workflows are both slow and error-prone; classification expertise is in
the hands of a small number of expert taxonomists; and to make things
worse, the number of taxonomists has steadily declined in recent years.
Automated identification of organisms has therefore become not just a
long time desire but a need to better understand, use, and save biodiversity.
This paper presents a survey of recent efforts to use computer vision
and machine learning techniques to identify organisms. It focuses on the
use of leaf images to identify plant species. In addition, it presents the
main technical and scientific challenges as well as the opportunities for
herbaria and cybertaxonomists to take a quantum leap towards identifying
biodiversity efficiently and empowering the general public by putting
in their hands automated identification tools.
Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica
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