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Industria de bioinsumos de uso agrícola en Colombia


Zambrano-Moreno, D., Ramón-Rodríguez, L., Van Strahlen-Pérez, M., & Bonilla-Buitrago, R. (2015). Industria de bioinsumos de uso agrícola en Colombia. Revista U.D.C.A., 18(1), 59-67.

Artículo científico

Bio-products are primarily produced by using plant growthpromoting bacteria. This group of microorganisms is composed of different genera with the capability to stimulate plant growth increasing their productivity and promoting bio-control. The use of such microorganisms in Colombian agriculture has been highlighted to generate significant changes in production systems. The industry of bio-products was characterized using three parameters: i. records of bioproducts at the Colombian Agricultural Institute -ICA, ii. the patents recorded at the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce -SIC and iii. the Accession request to the genetic resources tool at the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development - MADS, within 2004-2011. One hundred eleven records of bio inoculants were found in Colombia, destined mainly to ornamental crops (24.7%), vegetables (16.3%), and cereals (13.2%). At patent level thirteen ones were identified, nine found in the International Patent Classification IPC - recognized by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD. The access to the database of MADS genetic resource allowed to identify 16 applications. Only one microorganism Bacillus thuringiensis was registered at all the assessed institutions. It was concluded that the development of bio-products in Colombia is only emerging in the encouragement research of the use of the microbial biodiversity, as well as the processes regarding patent register of production processes.

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